
Mark Kelly’s Shady Chinese Business Ties Unmasked

new report is shedding light on Mark Kelly’s shady Chinese business partners who have invested big money into Kelly’s company, World View Enterprises.

The Chinese investors, Tencent, are currently actively censoring coronavirus-related content on their messenger platform in China, and have been labeled “an arm of the Chinese Communist Party and a threat to US national security” by American lawmakers. Just a few months ago, Tencent was actively censoring Houston Rockets games in China in retaliation for the franchise’s comments criticizing the Communist regime.

Dean Cheng, a senior research fellow and China expert at the Heritage Foundation, said: “The goal of Chinese venture capitalist investment in the U.S. Commercial space sector is undoubtedly to gain exposure to the U.S. method of collecting or processing scientific data, if not to the technology itself.” 

And yet Mark Kelly is still happy to take their money. 

This begs the question: after Kelly has been criticized for taking money from an authoritarian Middle Eastern regime and a nutritional supplements company utilizing a pyramid schemewho won’t Mark Kelly stoop to take money from?

While the national media has extensively covered Mark Kelly’s financial dealings, it’s time for the Arizona media to do some digging of its own.